Dear Members,
Well, we are not going to have to wait 100 years before being woken from our Covid slumbers, but in some ways it seems that way! Seriously though, for those of you who might have been afflicted personally we do wish you most sincerely, relief and healing in body and soul in the months to come. We do feel however that the time has come to begin to resuscitate our History Group gently and slowly during 2021. We wish to help in bringing back life into our community as it used to be.
During the lockdown I have been working on creating a record of our unique history, from Geological time to the present day, and in doing so I have expanded my own knowledge of our home area. I would like to share with you just a miniscule part, by leading two Historical Strolls over the coming summer months.
- Saturday 5th June – Galmpton Creek, and all that lies within.
Meet outside Galmpton Post Office/Galleon Stores – 2p.m, finishing with cream tea at The Manor Inn should you wish.
- Saturday 17th July – The Lord of the Manor’s Domain, Churston Court & Church to Elbury
Meet outside Churston Church – 2p.m. finishing with cream tea at Churston Court should you wish.
- Sunday 4th July – Gooseberry Pie Fair, Manor Court Farm field (more details to follow)
Coming into Autumn we will then hold our first Illustrated Talk of the year to celebrate, hopefully, a return to some form of normality, with a chance to talk and promote future happenings.
- Friday 17th September – Illustrated Talk ‘The Ancient Rural Parish of Churston Ferrers with Galmpton’ (latest edition) by John Risdon
7.30 p.m. Village Institute – preceded by refreshments, commencing 7 p.m
By this time the Committee will hope to have created a winter programme for you and to confirm renewal of membership details.
An update of listed activities will be posted during May.
You will see that we have made some updates to our website. Within HISTORICAL SITES we have moved from Broadsands across to the Dart with an interesting article on the ‘River Sand Trade of Galmpton Creek’ which we hope you will find both interesting and enjoyable.
Should you wish any further details of the History Group please do get in touch.
We very much look forward to seeing you again during this coming year.
Very best wishes on behalf of all your Committee,
John Risdon