Newsletter – May 2021

Dear Members,

Your Committee have very recently held our first face-to-face meeting for over a year, a very enjoyable and constructive event for all concerned. It was a unanimous, heart-felt decision that our History Group should renew and continue but that some reorganisation of our management and objectives was required. This will be talked over during the next few months, leading up to our first open meeting on 17th September. Comments and thoughts from yourselves will be much appreciated over this period. In the meantime our programme for the coming summer months remains as publicised in the March newsletter post but now updated, as outlined below.

Apple Blossom Time, Galmpton

Near Future

Saturday 5th June – Village stroll – Galmpton Creek, and all that lies within.

Meet outside Galmpton Post Office/Galleon Stores – 2pm, finishing 3.30 pm with cream tea at The Manor Inn should you wish, £5 per head (2 scones). Please inform by e-mail  or phone 01803 844102 or 07768 418417 to order.

Sunday 4th July – Gooseberry Pie Fair, Manor Court Farm field. 12 noon until 6 pm

There will be no car-parking facilities – pedestrian access only. Entrance fee £1.

The History Group will only have a limited presence, that being to promote our existence. During the day two guided walks around the village will be laid on, commencing 2pm and 4pm.

Saturday 17th July – Churston Stroll. The Lord of the Manor’s Domain, Churston Court & Church to Elbury

Meet outside Churston Church – 2pm finishing with cream tea at Churston Court should you wish. £5 per head (2 scones). Again please order in advance, as above.

Friday 17th September – Illustrated Talk ‘The Ancient Rural Parish of Churston Ferrers with Galmpton’ (latest edition) by John Risdon

7.30 pm at Galmpton Village Institute – preceded by refreshments, commencing at 7pm.

By this time the Committee will have created a winter programme for you and to confirm new renewal of membership details. 

To conclude this Newsletter I’m delighted to be able to inform you of a relatively modern (but I think fascinating and very relevant all the same) archaeological find by one of our community.

The Regimental shoulder badge

Whilst digging in his garden, Jeremy Fatz of Galmpton Farm, unearthed a non-ferrous Regimental shoulder badge ( R.1st DY)  ROYAL 1st DEVON YEOMANRY.

This wonderful find directly relates to a previous tenant farmer of Galmpton Farm during a previous age; see details below.

We are most grateful to Jeremy who has presented the badge to the History Group for safe-keeping.

Jeffrey Mitchel Oldrieve of Galmpton Farm 1914

Jeffrey Oldrieve was tenant farmer of Galmpton Farm, born 1872. He had enlisted in the 1st DEVON ROYAL YEOMANRY on 28th November 1890 at Totnes. This was the Territorial Army of the time, being mounted cavalry. On the outbreak of war in 1914, at the age of 42, he volunteered to serve in France where he gained the rank of Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant.

This photograph shows Sergeant Oldrieve with his wife, Alice, at his side, about to depart for France.

One thousand years before, Sergeant Oldrieve’s Saxon forebears were laying down their farming hoes to take up their war axes and gather on the Warborough to defend their homes from the Viking marauders.

His duty to King and Country was finally terminated in 1916 when he returned home, a survivor, to Galmpton, his wife and his farming life. He passed away in 1944.

(Extract from ‘The Ancient Rural Parish of Churston Ferrers with Galmpton’ – John Risdon)

We very much keep our fingers crossed that by the 17th September access to the Institute will no longer be restricted regarding numbers, but we will keep you informed.

Wishing you well for the forthcoming months and looking forward to seeing you in the near future.

John Risdon, Chairman