Reluctantly, the History Group committee decided this year’s AGM should be cancelled on public health grounds, especially considering the numbers we pack into our relatively confined Village Institute. However, we are determined that our plans for the year ahead will continue and the following information is to put you all in the picture.
Renewal of Membership 2020/21
Renewal can be made at Galleon Stores, Galmpton – Households £8, Individuals £5. On payment of membership, you will be provided with the new 2020/21 programme.
Or, you may make your renewal at any of this year’s Spring/Summer events.
Spring/Summer Events 2020
Saturday 2nd May – Walking Tour of Cockington Park & Village led by John Risdon
Meet 9.30 a.m. outside Cockington Village Visitor Information Centre. Three hour duration with refreshment stop. Please notify John if wishing to participate.
Friday 26th June – Walking Tour of History City of Exeter led by John Risdon
Meet 10.30 a.m. outside Exeter Central Railway Station – 5½ hour duration, including lunch stop. Essential to notify John if participating.
Sunday 5th July – Gooseberry Pie Fayre Day at the Pavilions
We will only be providing a small presence this year.
Saturday 5th September – A Guided Time Walk of Goodrington & Roundham led by John Risdon
Wheelchair friendly – Meet 2 p.m. outside The Seashore Centre, Goodrington. 2 hours in extent, ending with tea, for those who wish.
First Autumn Talk
Friday 16th October will see our first evening gathering and talk at the Village Institute, we sincerely hope! This will allow a brief report and update on the previous 18 months.
The illustrated talk will be “The Torquay Pageant of 1924” by David Hinchcliffe
During these uncertain times please do feel free to contact myself by e-mail or phone 01803 844102 should you need clarification on the above.
The committee as a whole wish all our membership a safe time to come throughout 2020.
John Risdon – Chairman